Building Thriving Communities
Together We’re Better!
The BC CommUNITY Schools Alliance is a non-profit society dedicated to enhancing and expanding Community Schools across B.C.
A Community School is characterized by extended services, extended hours, and extended relationships. It is people, a place, and a set of partnerships between the school and other community resources.
It’s integrated focus on, child and youth development, family support, school success and community development leads to improved student learning, stronger families and vibrant, healthy communities.

Our Work
What We Do

To ensure a Community Schools’ approach is embedded in how government ministries deliver services to children, families, and the community

We empower communities through workshops, training, and facilitating community dialogues. We inspire creativity, foster collaboration and drive strategic thinking.

Provincial Coordination
Organize a diverse team of partners and allies that work strategically to ensure a strong provincial presence for Community Schools.
Current Initiatives
Help Us Succeed
Thought Leadership and Policy Advocacy:
Developing position papers and briefing notes to provide informed perspectives on community development
Securing Partnerships and Allies:
Cultivating partnerships and alliances to strengthen our collective impact and ensuring a unified approach to advancing community schools
Curating a Resource Library:
Developing a knowledge hub of educational materials will be located on our website
Local Consulting:
Providing tailored support for the development and sustainability of community organizations. We work closely with local entities, understanding their unique challenges, goals, and strengths.
Delivering Community Schools 101 workshops:
Hosting engaging workshops that serve as an introduction to the principles and practices of community schools